
Author: Jorge Tofalo

Balancing Urban Planning in the Era of Coronavirus

Balancing Urban Planning in the Era of Coronavirus

Historically, pandemics have left significant imprints on cities, sparking noticeable shifts in their development. From ancient Athens and medieval towns to modern cities, plagues have presented serious challenges to citizens’ lives, necessitating innovative solutions from urban planners to help societies endure. Instances such as London’s Victoria Embankment, a response to...

Apr , 10
Harnessing the Power of Parametric Design

Harnessing the Power of Parametric Design

Parametric Design is an algorithm-based design process that dictates the generation of geometric forms based on user-defined parameters. With the boom of Information Technology in recent years, computers have gained sufficient computational prowess to readily calculate and render large and complex geometric forms predicated on parametric input. However, the exploration...

Jan , 11
The Unforeseeable Singularity of Architectural Design

The Unforeseeable Singularity of Architectural Design

The Singularity – a theoretical future moment when technological evolution becomes uncontrollable and irreversible – carries with it the potential to trigger profound shifts in human civilization. This Singularity hypothesis, often referred to as an “intelligence explosion,” foresees a future where an improvable intelligent machine embarks on a “runaway reaction”...

Dec , 20

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