Harnessing the Power of Parametric Design

Parametric Design is an algorithm-based design process that dictates the generation of geometric forms based on user-defined parameters. With the boom of Information Technology in recent years, computers have gained sufficient computational prowess to readily calculate and render large and complex geometric forms predicated on parametric input.
However, the exploration of complex geometric forms predates the advent of computers. Architects like Antoni Gaudi have been at the forefront of investigating unconventional design forms through the use of analogue models, thus the concept isn’t novel from this perspective.

What sets the modern age apart is the capacity to program “behaviours” of forms within a spatial context via a visual language interface on a computer, allowing for meticulous control of their shapes. With such tools at our disposal, we can incorporate analytical input into the design, abide by the brief, and monitor the output in “real time” to ensure the desired results.
At JTA Architecture, we have begun to leverage such tools, yielding fascinating outcomes. For instance, in a Rublyovsky Privoz Fresh Market, we successfully calculated optimal sun orientation and determined the right area for glazing panels to minimise electrical consumption. Additionally, we were able to specify the exact shape of each HPL cladding panel individually.

In fact, Parametric Design’s utility extends beyond geometry; it can also be utilised to determine proportions of specified materials. This came into play in a Architect’s Residences Lobby project, where we employed algorithms to fine-tune the hue of paint on standard 3D gypsum wall panels. The result was a cost-effective customisation solution that added visual intrigue to the interior space..

In a Master-Planning project of a countryside gated community, we employed this technology to accurately determine land plot proportions as per the brief. Furthermore, we sought to maximise land usage for common areas, considering terrain limitations and site accessibility..
The aesthetics of Parametric Design are distinct: they are the outcome of thoughtful analysis of the conditions detailed in the brief and the context. Implementing this technology aims to produce solutions that are more effective economically, ecologically, socially, and culturally.